In-game screenshot (concept) for the project I have been working on in my spare time. Essentially “Harmonium” is a real-time exploration/collaboration within the setting of the milky-way. Players will be able to make music alongside others whilst orbiting planets and other heavenly bodies to shape and form the appearance of the galaxy. The UI will be upgradable with different instruments and filters that will also reflect the form of the spaceship and the visual energy it emits. The Player will be able to choose from a variety of techniques to navigate the galaxy including: homing in on other friends/users, setting trajectories for light speed travel, working out orbits to gain lead positioning on the planet jams or via a linked handheld application that will allow users to target planets in real life through augmented reality. I am currently producing a moode board for the project that will give further insight into the look/feel and features of the game. Watch this space!