Exciting new white-label product with branding created in-house. Below is an element of the campaign meant for successful CTR.
I was asked to create a layout for an email template which I also prototyped/tested in codepen. I really like how much opportunity for developing email as a channel of direct communication to the customer and also the opportunity for creating a consistent look and feel, perhaps even a narrative over the course of weekly updates. I used a layout template from my email-management days to highlight the new bvranding to maximum effect and by keeping colour choice and the elements to a minimum a good balance of white-space, text and imagery can be acheived. Often taking things away is the solution but not so much as to whittle things down too much.
Update: Rarely am I using photoshop slices these days since the emphasis on use of artboards in the newest version of Adobe CC is far easier to use and intended for this purpose. Below is an icon set I recently designed to represent the different product features. As you can see, naming and exporting each design in multiple formats in parallel is a much cleaner way of creating multiple formats easily and whereby one can still use the SmartObjects feature to the same effect (across the different artboards). By accessing two useful features in Photoshop I have managed to create a rapid response artwork variant generator which can export all defined slices in one process. Below shows a screenshot taken from this process:
The slice feature was originally designed to create website segments (to fit around text) prior to HTML 2.0 and CSS techniques superseeding slices. The slice tool is not left completely redundant however, as I have repurposed it in the following method.
Often my job requires rapid generation of campaigns to react to the market/price changes. This template will allow the vector objects held within each slice to update automatically from a linked .psb file. Essentially photoshop is creating windows/i-frames to another canvas that when updated reflects in the multi-variant file for different formats and channel media alike.
Another instance of working with this time “Artboards” making production of variants incredibly easy
Below is a screenshot V.1. of the template (however exports appear as the pre-determined slice names in an output file. You can see the potential of switching up the lead image very easily, automatically resizing to all of the different formats required for a digital campaign. Another really nice organisation feature is the ability to define the dimensions and output name per slice (see below).
Lycamobile artwork to appear on the side of a SIM card vending machine in certain Irish boutiques.
The aim is always to give the least stress possible with these kind of screen designs and all outdoor in my opinion. I often try to put myself by the side of the viewer in these instances to add a site-specific touch and an appreciation that the advert will be relative/harmonious to/with to it’s surroundings.
Kandinsky – L’utopia in blu
This design was inevitably complex mainly due to the product manager adding comms/features along the way, but I hope that the beautiful colourings and geometric forms culminate together to give a warm sense of security (the sun) combined with a deep, fascinating blue of the sea leading to a clarity in the white elements (the communications). I really love how deeply you can associate with the simple geometric forms and colours on a base level that hopefully undercuts all of the other advertisements on the market that seek to grab attention in different ways. The design shouts out at you but in a beautiful way! It’s like how Kandinsky would have seen the Opera.
For me, seeing this design evolve in-house over a period of about a year was a fascinating journey and I feel that this combination of efforts has led to an intriguing and well balanced outcome in the above. Thanks largely to the efforts of Robin Sutherland (Head of communications Lycamobile) and in it’s initial conception, Alvaro d’Apollonio (graduate of Central St.Martin’s college London) we have combined a deep sense of harmony using the simple geometric forms and shapes found in nature (i.e. the sun, sea and a tree/download shape combo) and also a strong centerpiece using the striking contrast of the bright pink to yellow gradient, whilst still getting the message across in the clearest form of White Helvetica font, which was the clearest possible choice against the other strong, competing elements.
I look forward to animating the above hopefully in some subtle ways that speak to the customer on his/her terms, not as an attempt to hijack his/her conscious and more often than not, carnal desires, as so many adverts seem to do, almost insulting the customer and treating him/her basically like animals.
An example of display advertising on the Polish radio station website “Radiostar”.
The design was inspired by an event I attended at the O2 and also the creative that was already on the website (showing a music gig). I hoped that this would strike a resonance with regular visitors to the website and also enhance the ATL marketing taking place within the Polish segment. Paramount to this was of-course keeping the branding consistent and inline with the whole campaign, but also being highly visible on a high traffic website without being too in your face!
In-game screenshot (concept) for the project I have been working on in my spare time. Essentially “Harmonium” is a real-time exploration/collaboration within the setting of the milky-way. Players will be able to make music alongside others whilst orbiting planets and other heavenly bodies to shape and form the appearance of the galaxy. The UI will be upgradable with different instruments and filters that will also reflect the form of the spaceship and the visual energy it emits. The Player will be able to choose from a variety of techniques to navigate the galaxy including: homing in on other friends/users, setting trajectories for light speed travel, working out orbits to gain lead positioning on the planet jams or via a linked handheld application that will allow users to target planets in real life through augmented reality. I am currently producing a moode board for the project that will give further insight into the look/feel and features of the game. Watch this space!
I was briefed to create a welcome e-mail for the Lycamobile Free SIM order. This is extremely important as it will set the expectations of the service to the customer and introduce them to the Lycamobile communications and tone of voice.