Category: lead image
Lycawifi is a white-label product allowing customers to use a global hotspot network with over 60 million access points worldwide. I was happy to be assigned this project across all channels as when I found out about it I was very impressed with the offering from Lycamobile.
This addition to services is an important step in adapting to a dwindling Telecommunications market. However, the value added is a very shrewd movement towards what I believe will be the future of the market in years to come. I.e. Mesh networking powered by user enabled devices.
I tried to keep the image on brand and as simple as possible whilst generating the interest in the new feature added to existing products. In order to do this I used as much imagery to identify what the product actually is instantaneously recogniseable to the customer. E.g. The WiFi logo on a phone screen (denoting that the advertisement is for an app).
Myself and another lead designer were asked to make a proposal for the upcoming 4G launch in Australia. I took alot of time in balancing the imagery and enhancing the background to give depth and a conceptual edge.
The combination of the headline and the Chinese characters (denoting the rapid speed of the 4G bandwidth), the heavy glow effect in the foreground, the mathematical style architectural drawing and the rocket overlay on the side of the building which I integrated to bring an added depth and also a homage to one of my favorite films “Blade Runner” or more recently the “Blade Runner: 2049” sequel.