Carphone warehouse futuristic Graphic Design hologram HUD lead creative lead image Lycamobile neon perspective phoneshop photoshop Samsung Galaxy vanishing point vanishing point tool Web/App Design

Lycamobile Phoneshop Mainstay Banner

Bella Cosa classic design future design gold foil Graphic Design high-class design marble Silvestre Stallone texture texture mapping underlay Welcome invitation

Invitation for Sylvestre Stallone and family

Bella Cosa restaurant asked me directly to produce a special welcome banner to greet the star and his family before he performed at the 02 Arena nearby to the restaurant.

4G launch 4G LTE electric Graphic Design high-speed data high-speed internet hype Lightning effect Lycamobile Poster design social media campaign telecommunications Tunisia

4G Tunisia 2018 – Lightning Speeds

Good example of copy-led creativity in design. Trying to keep the design as eye-catching yet simple as possible I used the Lycamobile 4G symbol (used across all countries with 4G support) with a vector based lightning element. This sharp contrast on the blue gradient helps it to stand out from the crowd even more than previous 4G launch campaigns.

Heading font = Commando. Future Development :: Work on more vector based illustrations using lighting effects and gradients.


Graphic Design Uncategorized

Symbolic Patterns

Triptych symbol combining three individual patterns inspired mainly by the Metatron cube (flower of life)

The Glitch Mob’s artwork symbol also employs the use of sacred geometry, focusing on the band’s use of sound which can be visually represented through the medium of water through a technique known as cymatics. See my earlier posts on the subject