Above marketing campaign for Poland highlighting roll-over data using the geometric correlation to form the sometimes overwhelming myriad of bundles. By using the beehive like structure we can structure the hierarchy of information in different ways. When the correlated objects form a different entity on the composition.

Having played Geometry wars with a friend not so long ago, I could not attribute some of the background in the poster to the mesh like structure built into Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 on Microsift Xbox. This amazing warping effect of gravitational fields really do give the impression-n of depth that can really give clues to the rest of the composition in a stunning array (simply joined by longitude and latitude) By transposing the simplest points within the wave patterns we can join the dots to see the real root cause. Perhaps this could be the way we know what caused the big Bang! BOOM, but you would have to appreciate the nature of our position in the galaxy the . :: Future Development :: Learn about the gravitational/magnetic fields demonstrated in the Geometry Wars background mesh grid and whether use of animation techniques or mathematical (perhaps quantum?) fields are generated.

Prior to finalising the block-busting design, I had the idea to recreate a style similar to the above in order to give maximum impact/appeal. This unique style has been developed by Charles Williams of Made Up Studio (based in East London). I really like the aesthetic generated in this image using only 3-4 colours. It’s also quite similar to the sky mobile roll-over concept we looked at during the market research phase of the project (shown below):